Your love is the medicine @sparkyourinnergold Mar 12, 2024
Dear Sister Soul led Coach, Healer, light worker, and entrepreneur,
Your love is the medicine 
Don’t doubt for one minute that your magic, your specific way of allowing...
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Soul Led Spiritual Bizz Woman @sparkyourinnergold Mar 12, 2024
Soul led Spiritual  Bizz Woman
You’ve made it sooooo far in your journey.
You have unraveled so much to be here now
You know you carry codes of healing and light to...
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What are the benefits and purposes to working your process in consciousness? @sparkyourinnergold Mar 12, 2024

What are the benefits and purposes to working your process in consciousness?


 Provides a opportunity for attuning  to your heart as you awaken more fully into the awareness of...

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What is Spiritual Psychology? Oct 12, 2022

Spiritual Psychology explained by the founders Ron and Mary Hulnick  is the study and practice of Conscious awakening.

To engage in this genre, we must begin by distinguishing the essence of...

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Have you believed it’s selfish to spend time pursuing your growth?⠀ Oct 10, 2022

Have you believed it’s selfish to spend time pursuing your growth?

Do you get an outer reflection & pushback that it’s selfish to do inner work?

I used to experience this.


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What is the father wound? Oct 10, 2022
What is the father wound? 
The father wound is the deficiency or absence of love from your birth father, whether intentional or unintentional. 
This wound can result because...
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How to leverage your hardest relationship for spiritual awakening. Oct 07, 2022

I invite you to leverage your deepest spiritual wound for awakening purposes.

Just think….

Getting to the rock bottom core of a soul wound you have carried for who knows how long.

How many...

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Shame can hold us back and keep us stuck. Oct 01, 2022

You have Strength of Heart

Do you acknowledge yourself?

Are you stuck in a pattern of doubting, shaming and wronging yourself for your past decisions?

Do you see through the lens of doubt and...

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Is your family karma drama stopping you from having a good relationship with your man? â € Sep 30, 2022

Is your family karma drama stopping you from having a good relationship with your man?

Are you Always taking on the over responsibility with finances in your partnership.

Are you Deeply afraid to...

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Relationship is a mirror reflection and opportunity to expand your love. Sep 26, 2022


I am an advocate for long term relationship love

I firmly believe relationship is a mirror reflection and opportunity to expand your love.

It’s an opportunity to seek and find the...
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Are you afraid to face the shadow? Sep 22, 2022

Have you faced your shadows in this life?

I lived for a long time in my life with not understanding how to really face the shadow or what that meant truly.

I struggled against the feelings of...

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Our Rage is A Sacred Teacher🔥 Sep 21, 2022

Our Rage is A Sacred Teacher

Acknowledging what surfaces and what’s underneath it gives us freedom. Helps us shift our perspective.

Gorgeous Queens, Where are you ignoring your anger?


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Your love is the medicine

Soul Led Spiritual Bizz Woman

What are the benefits and purposes to working your process in consc...

What is Spiritual Psychology?