Understanding and Healing the Hurt Caused By Our Family Through Spiritual Psychology

Aug 21, 2022

Understanding and Healing the Hurt Caused By Our Family Through Spiritual Psychology



It is often the people closest to us that cause is the greatest pain and hurt or at least it seems that way. It is easy to say that others are the source of our suffering, but if we take a closer look at this through the lens of spiritual psychology, we can see that the ones that are closest to us are really our mentors and provide us with the direction to our greatest healing and growth.


According to spiritual psychology, we come into this life in spiritual services to those closest to us. They provide us with the required curriculum in this lifetime, it is not optional but essential to our growth. We need to embrace and work through these lessons that our family presents to us.


We believe that it is easier to just cut those who hurt us out of life but when we do this the pain does not really go away, it is not resolved, it is just buried within us. To really heal we need to embrace vulnerability and access and process the hurt and pain to gain the lesson and true growth and healing.


It is also important to remember that our family does love us even if they do not show it to us in the way we want them to. They instead show it to us in the way they love themselves. Often our family shows us how we can turn inwards towards our own pain and practice unconditional love. The greater the pain they cause you the greater the indication that you need to do work with this area of yourself.


It is our family we are born into and the ones we connect with throughout our life that can reveal to use our greatest lessons on this earth.


Here are 3 steps that you can take to help heal family hurt so you can grow great well-being and health in this lifetime:


  1. Identify the Hurt: When someone has hurt you slow down and identify this pain. Notice the story you are telling yourself about this pain. Who is identified with this pain? What experience or incident revolves around this hurt? Is it attached to a set of beliefs and values you carry?


  1. Get to Know the Hurt: Take some time to get to know the hurt inside of you. Often, we want to run away from it, bury it or deny it. Instead, choose the path that will provide you with the most healing and choose to be with your hurt so you can get to know it better and what it is longing for.


If your pain could speak, what would it say? You can sit with your hurt and journal to get to know it better through free writing. Or just start a dialogue with it but it can be helpful to externalize its voice. You can also do this with a professional coach or counsellor.


  1. Offer Unconditional Love To Your Hurt: Often our hurt is searching for love and the only person that can truly help it is you. We think it is the person who hurt us but really it is you. When you get to know your pain better you will also identify what it is longing for, then you can offer this part of you the compassion, understanding, and unconditional love it is longing for.

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